If you remember, I started 2020 with a lofty goal in mind: buying one second-hand clothing for the remainder of the year. It felt like an ambitious goal, but one that would teach me a lot of about just how accessible good quality, durable clothing truly is.
What if I told you that finding thrifting treasure you’ll keep in your closet for years just takes a few small tips to employ?
At the end of the day, travelling is expensive. But there are ways to save properly before your trip, and make conscious financial decisions that will help you avoid a disaster in your bank account when you get home.
I’ve been beyond ecstatic the one plant I have is thriving, and I spent too many hours this week shopping around for a robe.
The car belonged to my parents first, which they bought as a brand-new model when I was 12. As I grew up, this car was the one I began learning how to drive with. And learn how to drive in this car I did.
I learned that B.C. is a damn big place, and northern B.C. feels even bigger.
Ahead of the public hearing for Yellow Cabs, a cab company based out of Grande Prairie looking to enter the market in Fort St. John, an in-depth presentation was shown to Mayor and Council in Monday’s regular meeting.
For now, the newest elementary school in School District 60 is being referred to as ‘North West Elementary School’, due to its geographic location in relation to the rest of the City. But the District wanted to establish a formal name for it soon, and also establish a protocol for school-naming in the future while they’re at it.
City Councillors heard from Teco Taxi during Monday’s regular meeting, and the taxi company told Council their service has improved greatly since new management took over in 2012.
At just 14, the teen has had a helping hand in building two schools in Haiti, spoken at WeDayin Saskatoon, SK, placed runner up in TedxTeen’s ‘The Next Big Thing’ video competition.